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  • Writer's pictureMichael Walter

Enhance Your Student Leadership Program with Our Leadership Skills Quiz

Are you looking for a comprehensive tool to assess and develop the leadership skills of your students? At Yellow Arrow, we have created a leadership skills quiz specifically designed for student leaders in high schools across Australia. This quiz is grounded in four well-established leadership theories:

  1. Big Five Personality Traits

  2. Transformational Leadership

  3. Servant Leadership

  4. Emotional Intelligence

Our quiz includes 40 questions across 10 key leadership themes:

  • Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Decision Making

  • Responsibility

  • Goal Setting

  • Adaptability

  • Motivation

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Creativity

Upon completing the quiz, students will receive a radar chart that highlights their strengths and areas for improvement. Additionally, they will receive actionable steps to enhance their skills in the three areas where they scored the lowest.

How to Integrate the Quiz into Your Leadership Program

1. Pre-Program Research

  • Before the program begins: Invite students to complete the quiz honestly. Use their responses to understand their strengths and areas needing improvement.

  • Follow-up survey: Ask students to identify their top strengths and areas for development in a short Google Form or Microsoft form. Include questions about their leadership goals and the support they need.

2. First Session Reflection

  • Engage students from the start: Use the quiz results to guide workshop content. Allow students to select focus areas based on their quiz results.

  • Unconference format: Set up themed discussion tables where students can discuss their results and strategies for improvement. Students on each themed table could then be responsible for researching the leadership area and presenting a short session to everyone about that skill.

3. Evaluation Tool

  • Measure growth: Have students take the quiz at the beginning and end of the program. Encourage them to compare their initial and final radar charts to reflect on their progress.

4. Program Planning

  • Tailor external workshops: Use the quiz data to identify areas where students need additional support. At Yellow Arrow, we offer workshops on topics including public speaking, communication, teamwork, improv, problem solving and taking action as a leader. We are always open to exploring other topics so let us know what you'd like the workshop on and we'll adapt to your needs.

Benefits of Using Our Leadership Skills Quiz

  • Personalised Development: Helps students focus on specific areas of improvement.

  • Data-Driven Planning: Provides valuable insights for tailoring your leadership programme.

  • Reflective Learning: Encourages students to reflect on their growth and set actionable goals.

Join the Conversation

We would love to hear how you’re using this quiz with your students. Join our community at Agogue and share your experiences and plans for your Student Leadership Programme.

Key Takeaways

  • The quiz is a guide for personal development, not a definitive measure of leadership ability.

  • Emphasise the importance of honest self-assessment to your students.

  • Use the quiz as a flexible tool to enhance various aspects of your leadership programme.

Explore the endless possibilities of our Leadership Skills Quiz and take your student leadership program to the next level with Yellow Arrow.


Also, while you’re here, are you looking for a comprehensive leadership development program in your school? Check out our curriculums on leadership development for high school leaders. These units are 12 weeks with 2 lessons a week. Unit 1 is focused on leadership and unit 2 is focused on applying design thinking to bring about social change. We can also join your students and support them to plan their year. Curious to find out more? Check out our page about the curriculum. 

Looking for interactive workshops for your students? Find out more about our workshops!

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